
暗网臭名昭著,全世界都知道. 十年前,情况可能并非如此. As cyber attacks accelerate 和 nefarious actors all over the globe seek to more rapidly connect with buyers of illegal goods 和 information, 暗网这个词以一种显著的方式进入了词典.

根据… 来自杜兰大学的描述, the 黑暗的网络 was leveraged by the United 状态s Department of Defense as a means of communicating anonymously. 它保持活动匿名的才能依然存在, 但现在保护的是恶意行为者,而不是特定国家的无辜公民.

暗网是非法毒品卖家, 身份, 信息(密码, 账号, 等.)武器, 和 many other illegal forms of physical materials 和 digital information look to traffic these materials across borders. 在网络安全方面,暗网是一个 Ransomware-as-a-Service 工具包和网络钓鱼方法每天都在交易和利用.

我们真的不能过分强调这个事实:尤其是在网络安全方面, the 黑暗的网络 is the sourcing ground for attackers to get the tools they need to disrupt your organization 和 business. Accordingly, it’s become paramount for security teams all over the world to respond faster than ever.


可以访问暗网的暗网类型有很多. 暗网本质上是指一个人访问暗网上内容的方式. 让我们来看看一些更常见的可用暗网的例子:

  • Tor(洋葱路由器) -一个开源工具集,旨在实现匿名通信, Tor sessions redirect traffic through a volunteer network of thous和s of relays that conceal the originating location from network tracking 和 analysis tools.
  • Zeronet -这是去中心化的 network of peer-to-peer users leveraging Bitcoin private keys rather than IP addresses. 私钥允许进行更改,然后通过网络传播. 
  • Tribler -这是一个开源 bt 允许匿名点对点连接的客户端. 
  • 隐形互联网项目 ——无名氏, 点对点解决方案使用超过50,000台志愿者计算机允许通过网络的随机路由路径, the possible number of routes available with the 隐形互联网项目 makes surveillance 和 tracking very unlikely. 
  • 涟漪 -这是麻省理工学院开发的网络匿名工具,用于处理与TOR功能相关的问题. 它通常比基于tor的网络要快得多. 
  • GNUnet -这是去中心化的, peer-to-peer networking framework that operates over most common connection types 和 protocols (WiFi, 蓝牙, HTTP /秒, TCP, 和UDP). 它允许通信、加密和对等发现. 


试图进入暗网, 人们承认自己越过了一条看不见的界限——也许他们没有. 不管怎样,没有人会带着乐观的心情访问暗网.

Tor, 例如, 使用多层加密在计算机网络上创建匿名通信. 解开这些加密层有点像剥洋葱.


这就是事情可能变得有点混乱的地方, 因为暗网几乎是非法活动的同义词. 事实上,那里发生的绝大多数活动都是非法的.

So, 信不信由你, it’s not illegal to access the 黑暗的网络; there are actually reputable br和s 和 companies who have sites accessible via the 黑暗的网络. 浏览暗网并与任何你可能遇到的人接触都可能是一个危险的提议, 尤其是如果这意味着泄露任何个人数据.


暗网被网络犯罪分子用来买卖非法商品和服务, 协调攻击, 分发恶意软件和网络钓鱼工具包, 并分享其他预构建的漏洞. 但, 对于那些认为暗网只是用于犯罪活动的人来说,这可能是一个很大的惊喜, 它也可以用于合法目的. 现在让我们看一下这两个用例. 


世界上有许多专制政府, 生活在这种制度下的人们经常需要匿名交流. 事实上, it can often be much safer for people in such circumstances to use the 黑暗的网络 over a virtual private network (VPN).

许多政府机构, 几家报纸, 以及无数的技术组织都在Tor网络上存在, 让他们在与暗网互动时保持身份匿名. Reasons for this could be to show a commitment to privacy or allow people to pass them information anonymously. The Guardian newspaper has a SecureDrop facility on Tor – as does the 美国中央情报局 – which uses it for virtual walk-ins for anyone wanting to confidentially pass them information.

Accessing 和 using 黑暗的网络 protocols such as Tor is not illegal; it's just been adopted as the platform of choice by many bad actors who undertake illegal activities.


The protections afforded people looking to be anonymous for legitimate reasons also provide the same anonymity for cybercriminals 和 criminals operating in the real world who desire private communications. 虽然与在开放网络上进行的电子商务相比,流量很小, 不可否认,暗网是不法分子和非法电子商务活动的避风港.

The illegal content traded on the 黑暗的网络 black market 和 the illegal activity on the 黑暗的网络 is spread over a wide range of activities that law enforcement agencies 和 internet service providers (ISPs) spend a significant amount of time attempting to combat. 恶意使用的例子包括:

  • 在暗网市场销售非法商品:娱乐性毒品, 非法毒品, 保健药品(在某些司法管辖区合法的药品), 但不是全部), 枪支, (三)其他在常规商业渠道规定的项目
  • 网络攻击解决方案和信息:敏感信息(如社会安全号码), 银行账户详情, credit card numbers) 和 other personally identifiable information (PII) such as authentication credentials for business systems 和 personal social media accounts
  • 政治活动: Governments using bad actors who advertise on the 黑暗的网络 to undertake activities that they wouldn't want to be made public
  • 一般犯罪活动: Cybercrime activity such as money laundering via cryptocurrency exchanges 和 the sale of stolen credentials for services as seemingly mundane as Netflix 和 other popular web entertainment companies

Many of these illegal activities use Bitcoin 和 other cryptocurrencies for transactions so that the sellers 和 buyers can remain anonymous. 这给联邦调查局等执法机构带来了困难, 美国中央情报局, 以及国际伙伴组织来破坏非法活动. 这不是不可能的, 然而, 丝绸之路等暗网的追踪和破坏就是明证. 


  • 财务信息这是访问银行账户的详细信息, 财富管理信息, 投资, 与个人或企业有关的其他私人货币信息. 
  • 政府的秘密: This category includes any information related to a nation's defense or active military/cyber-intelligence campaigns. 
  • 商业秘密: This type of data denotes information as to how a business might maintain a competitive advantage within its industry. 
  • 帮助盗窃的物质材料: An example from this category would be "skimming" devices that steal credit card data from point-of-sale platforms. 


The difference between the deep web 和 the dark web is not necessarily the “findability” of information that exists on either, as both of these types of online information repositories feature data that is not indexed by search engines like Google or Bing. 主要的区别可以通过以下两个方面来描述:

  • 内容合法性我们上面讨论的非法内容是暗网上的主要内容. 如果你有合适的浏览器访问暗网站, then chances are a bad actor is going to be able to access nefarious content – 和 potentially purchase it, 他们应该如此渴望吗——中间没有任何障碍.
  • 内容的可访问性这就引出了暗网和深网的区别:可访问性. 深层网络上的内容通常不是邪恶的那种,但它通常是封闭的. 这方面的例子包括私有/加密文件, 内容只提供给付费客户或订阅者, 内部网络,比如公司内部网.

这些差异并不一定是明确的, 因为在深网和暗网之间有重叠的方面. As opposed to the Surface Web – also known as the Open Web – where anyone with an internet connection can access public-facing websites all over the world, 深网和暗网试图保存那些不一定想被发现的信息. 因此,并不是所有的深网和暗网文件存储库都有良好的意图.

如前所述,访问这两个连接的内容存储库网络都不是非法的. 事实上, they must frequently be accessed by cybersecurity organizations conducting threat hunts or defending their networks or those of their clients.

例如, 如果威胁行为者拥有从大型医疗保健提供商窃取的数据, security personnel acting on behalf of the company are likely to conduct a large portion of that investigation throughout the 黑暗的网络. 威胁情报 从深网和暗网收集的信息可能会对未来有所帮助 威胁狩猎 团队在分析来自他们自己的网络之外的遥测数据时,比如深网和暗网.


这些天, it can seem increasingly difficult to protect valuable assets 和 data from the reaches of threat actors. This is particularly true for enterprise organizations working with sensitive data in key sectors like healthcare, 能源, 和金融. 这就是为什么进攻比以往任何时候都更加重要.


网络犯罪分子潜伏在暗网上,有条不紊地协调他们的攻击, 出售非法物品, 分发恶意软件和网络钓鱼工具包, 并分享其他预构建的漏洞. Go behind enemy lines to identify threat actors 和 their intentions at the earliest stages so you can properly prepare your defenses.


通过适当的监视资源,您可以获得对威胁参与者及其活动的可见性. This includes accessing restricted channels 和 automating intelligence gathering to anticipate attacks targeting your organization, 员工, 和客户.


监控独家暗网论坛和威胁行为者的私人渠道. 以这种方式, 您将发现用于自动化攻击的新网络犯罪策略和工具, 测试弱点, 欺骗你的员工和客户. 重要的是要站在他们的立场上,了解肇事者是如何攻击你的.


使用a很关键 暗网监控解决方案 这可以持续关注你的对手,并与威胁行为者接触. 从这些活动中, 解决方案应该能够收集数据样本, 揭示动机, 并帮助您部署更智能的网络安全工作流程.


